In addition to being a toy, most parents buy reading pens because they have already carefully calculated the actual value of reading pens.
As more and more parents realize the importance of children’s early reading, a large number of children’s books have begun to enter thousands of households. According to Dangdang’s “Children’s Reading and Parent-child Tutoring Report”, in 2018, the Chinese market for children’s books sold a total of 620 million copies, maintaining a growth rate of over 35% in Mayang (price value) in the past five years.
Watching the children gnawing and throwing books at first, and finally reading on their faces, the old mother and father were filled with relief.
However, “Dad read this book to me!” “Mom, I want to listen to it again!” The children’s curiosity about the story makes the parents who have been too hard at work hard to say, and it is warm to be close to the children. , But it cannot stand the loss of patience caused by a lot of repetitive labor.
The repeat function of the reading pen is just like a gospel, allowing children to click to listen to the story by themselves, partially liberating parents who are dizzy after reading.
Some parents who are not confident in English teaching are more willing to use the reading pen as an auxiliary tool for English enlightenment.
For most parents, being able to read and recognize simple phonetic symbols and words has already met their expectations for preschoolers’ English learning, and the audio pronunciation of most reading pens sounds at least more authentic than their own. . As a middle school English teacher said, “The reading pen has a pure American pronunciation, so the teacher is very happy to use it”. Therefore, they are more inclined to choose semi-assisted reading pens than the slightly expensive real-person foreign teachers’ courses.

development of
In fact, Diandu Pen has a history of more than ten years in China.
Since 2012, after FLTRP developed a reading pen specifically adapted to English textbooks, reading pens have been all the rage in the classrooms of primary and middle schools across the country. From 2012 to 2014, a large number of records, reports and researches on this phenomenon have emerged from teachers, media reporters and scholars. The technical principles behind the reading pen and the fresh and interesting classroom experience have become hot topics at this stage.
However, the heat has only been maintained for less than three years. At the end of 2014, many toy dealers pointed out that the sales of reading pens in physical stores had fallen sharply. Instead, the sales channels of reading pens were online and the usage scenarios were homed.
According to statistics, at least 100 brand reading pen brands have appeared in the Chinese market. Now, in e-commerce platforms and various evaluation articles, you can see obvious head effects. Apart from the promotional effects of some brands, nearly ten The 2010 consumer use evaluation is also an important part of the screening mechanism.

The reading pen is actually a product under the subdivision of audiobooks. Putting the reading pen in the audiobook environment can clearly see its advantages as a teaching aid.
The advent of audiobooks cleverly avoided the dyslexia caused by the ability to read text. Therefore, children, the elderly and the visually impaired were the main service groups when audio books first appeared. According to the school’s teaching plan, children will gradually master the ability to read paragraphs by learning pinyin, words, and sentences after entering elementary school. But listening comprehension is much earlier than literacy, and two or three-year-old children can already easily understand and understand a story.

“I am convinced that the difficulty of modern young people’s socialization begins when they have too narrow a conversation with the original couple who created them, Adam and Eve.”

——P. Alies

The diversified environment created by audio stories not only brings novel experiences to children, but also outputs a large number of rich vocabularies rarely seen in daily life. These unfamiliar vocabulary deepens the communication between parents and children, and the pictures and texts complement each other and help children understand Ability development. Therefore, the reading pen as an audio book, like similar audio websites, reading machines, and audio apps, has a practical enlightenment effect for preschool children who are not literate.
Compared with tools of the same category, the reading pen has greater flexibility in use and content selection. The pen-shaped design conforms to children’s gripping habits, and the “click” action is also easier to operate. What’s more important is that the same reading pen can be compatible with different reading books, and even those with strong compatibility can use the DIY audio tag “self-made audio books”, which greatly expands the range of reading materials.

While having extremely high convenience, the reading pen also faces the problem of poor quality or too good quality.
Unlike the foreign audiobook market where publishing houses are in charge of content copyright and production at the same time, it is common in China that publishing houses provide content and authorization, and production is contracted by independent producers. The gap between content creators and audio producers may lead to loopholes in copyright and production quality.

In the past, in the domestic environment where the copyright market was immature, audio producers were often motivated by their interests to produce and sell audio without the consent of the author and copyright owner. While evading copyright fees, purely commercial motives may give rise to audio quality problems. If users report misreading or pronunciation mistakes in the content of a certain brand of reading pens, the “words” will make parents fearful.

However, the quality of reading pens is easy to cause another problem in use: throwing hands at parents. “The children play well by themselves, so I will do something else.” Too many parents give full power to the machine for reading tasks, but it is worth noting that the price of a moment of relaxation is that the parents give up the guiding role they should have assumed. A comparative experiment of 40 kindergarten classes found that although children can normally obtain the main information through the reading pen, the lack of parental guidance will cause skipping and reading backwards, which will affect the children’s understanding of the overall story. “Nezha Borrow After Lian was reborn, he killed the third prince and met the third prince abducting the people.” This is not an easy-to-understand story.

Post time: Oct-20-2020